Friday, February 8, 2008

Stretch Marks

Hi people,

What do you think is the most common issue among women?? Its Stretch marks. Stretch marks may be due to metabolic activities, which break down molecules into small units.
Pregnant women often experience the shiny white tone stretches waving over purple lines of the skins associated with rapid growth or weight gain and pregnancy. Our skin is fairly elastic but rapid stretching of the skin will leave permanent stretch marks. These stretches are known as the stretch marks or scars in Dermatology. There are several reasons that cause such a scars during pregnancy, puberty, obesity, and excessive physical activity, which results into overstretching of skin. And thus resulting in stretch marks.

But women need not worry because there is, stretch mark creams for their rescue which not only helps to remove the existing stretch marks but also helps to prevent it. Women can prevent stretch marks by applying the cream during the pregnancy period thereby preventing
the occurrence of stretch marks.

There is a new cream formulated to be used as preventive treatment for stretch marks during or after pregnancy. Revitol stretch mark cream is the answer to all your stretch mark problems. What's good about Revitol is that it increases the elasticity of your skin, it helps increase the production of collagen, it effectively prevents the development of stretch marks, it decreases the appearance of existing stretch marks, it protects and regenerates skin, it keeps skin healthy and firm and it requires no prescription. So visit to know more about stretch mark treatments available and also to know about what people have to say about it.

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